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Saturday, August 17, 2024

Some Recent Sketches

Some sketches I did earlier in the year that I haven't posted before. (Incidentally, Google have changed the Blogger interface recently at the posting end, making it far more complicated to post anything, especially images. So I plan on setting up a new landing page for the domain name soon, and have a link over here if anybody still wants to access it. Really annoying, but I don't think I can continue to use Blogger the way it is now!)

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The spam filter is back on because it just goes berserk if I switch it off. Sorry - I'll get to your comments ASAP!

About Me

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London, United Kingdom
Eisner and Harvey Award-winning cartoonist responsible for The Muppet Show Comic Book, Thor the Mighty Avenger, Snarked! and Fred the Clown. Would like to save the world through comics.