That witty and talented gent, Mister Chris Duffy, at Nick Mag asked me to do some comics for him this week. It looks like I can just about squeeze it in before the Muppets kick off . It's my interpretation of a TV show I've never seen or heard of called Back at the Barnyard -- currently wading through tons of reference and watching online video clips to get myself up to speed (Warning: that link has enought Flash junk at the other end of it to give my computer a small hernia). It'll be eight pages of cartoon goodness when it's done. The boy bovines all have udders in this crazy mixed-up world, apparently -- that, or four willies. Which I rather think would alter the entire character of the show.
Just for kicks, and because I don't have any other visual embellishments prepared this week as such, here's some old Nick Mag stuff for you to ogle. This is from a Spongebob Squarepants story I worked on in which Spongebob is reimagined in the styles of various old-time cartoonists. I remember thinking at the time that I'd been typecast...