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Monday, June 27, 2016

Some Thoughts

Did this very quickly. I wanted to capture the moment.


  1. Thanks. This "being a grownup" stuff is quite difficult sometimes.

  2. This is beautiful and brilliant. Thank you.

  3. Damn you and your mature, sensible reasoning.

    1. Takes a bit of effort. I still want to throw stuff at the TV.

  4. A lot of us feel the same. You are not alone.

  5. amazing how the spectre of racism still has not been eradicated from our consciousness. the USA election is a choice between the status quo and a regime that will make Hitler and his pals look like a kindergarten class. The they are not our kind of people fear mongers have won in the UK. It is very understandable that we all who are reasonable look at this train wreck of a year and shudder at what is to come if we do not act.

    Keep drawing.


  6. Truth is important. Heads in the sand won't fix this. Talking and understanding might. Thanks for adding to the truth and talking columns, Roger.

  7. You're a good man Roger Langridge. Something horrible has gone wrong and we all need to find out what and why before this gets worse. Though the worse just seems to be unavoidable right now. Thanks for being a voice of reason.

  8. Beautifully done, Roger. I'm heartbroken, too. For many reasons. As we had discussed in person just a couple of weeks ago, I dream of moving to London. So, perhaps selfishly, I'm upset that my dream is tarnished. In the last several years xenophobes and racists have been emboldened for a variety of reasons. It's deeply upsetting. And unfortunately, people that take the time to learn about the issues and bone up on facts are hopelessly outnumbered by people who vote based on what their ill-informed gut tells them.

    1. Yes to all of that. Sorry we've drilled all these bloody great holes in your liferaft! We're quite the cautionary tale at the moment, aren't we?

  9. Good stuff, and does not look done quickly, it looks great. I wrote an article for the London Economic that looks at this whole silly 'why do hate your country/get out of my country' bollocks:

  10. I'm of no connection to England, but it's been heartbreaking to watch this go down. Nice work, making lemonade of lemons (and probably getting a lot of frustration out of your system to!)

    1. Well... a bit, anyway. I think I'm going to stay off the internet for a bit today. I honestly think it's not doing my mental health very much good right now. Appreciate the support.

  11. Excellent work thank you Roger.

  12. This is really great, Roger. Clear-headed and well-reasoned. Which probably means that the people who most need to read it would simply ignore it, sadly. The "monkey and gun" metaphor is great, but in the USA I'm still finding it hard not to get mad at the monkeys as well.

    1. I'm still struggling with that one myself. Ultimately we were lied to by Johnson, Farage et al about pretty much everything, which if you think about it tells you where the blame really lies. But I still have to consciously remind myself of it.

  13. Roger, great processing work here. I'm struck by panel six of your second page. There's perspective here on the question of who is troubled by whom, and for what. We prepare for the worse; sometimes conflating a veil with terrorism and the imposition of Sharia law; sometimes expecting an army of jackbooted thugs to be hidden behind an elderly person confused by a changing world; sometimes imagining that a bespectacled intellectual-type is the harbinger of a global thought-control dictatorship. Thanks for drawing and posting this comic.

  14. Thanks for this. I've been a fan of your humor comics for years, but I'm glad we've seen so many autobio comics from you in the past year.

  15. Am American, here via a Facebook friend sharing Andrew Farago's post after they shared your post. This is fantastic!

  16. Nice thoughts, Roger : )

  17. How dare you tar all Brexit voters as racist bigots. I feel an intense shame that you are British and anti-democracy. Keep your nose out of politics.

    1. Just as well I didn't say that, then, isn't it? Please read the strip again, paying special attention to the word "not" on page 2, panel 5. Hugs. xxx

      P.S. I'm not British.

  18. Can I suggest, regarding standing up for your non-English/immigrant neighbors, wearing a green ribbon for "I Stand with Muslims"? To say "if you feel bullied come stand by me," "I won't tolerate hatred," etc.

    1. I was not aware that was a thing; I will look into it. Thank you!

  19. Hey Roger this is great! 💜 it! From your non-British yet British friend.

    1. Hey Liz! Nice to hear from you! Aren't we lucky to be living in such interesting times, eh? Lucky lucky us.

    2. Time travel to the court of Henry Tudor is looking more attractive by the day!

  20. Beautiful thoughts, Roger. big hugs

    1. Big hugs right back at ya. Hope all's well with you.


The spam filter is back on because it just goes berserk if I switch it off. Sorry - I'll get to your comments ASAP!

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London, United Kingdom
Eisner and Harvey Award-winning cartoonist responsible for The Muppet Show Comic Book, Thor the Mighty Avenger, Snarked! and Fred the Clown. Would like to save the world through comics.