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Friday, August 30, 2024

Amateur Hour

Another strip from June


  1. I'm very interested in hearing more about this. I don't do comics, but I write enough prose that something like a zine is do-able.

    1. It might take a month or two, but I've written a short zine which I intend to put online (as well as have physical copies) once I've drawn and published it. But that information is definitely out there already if you look for it!


The spam filter is back on because it just goes berserk if I switch it off. Sorry - I'll get to your comments ASAP!

About Me

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London, United Kingdom
Eisner and Harvey Award-winning cartoonist responsible for The Muppet Show Comic Book, Thor the Mighty Avenger, Snarked! and Fred the Clown. Would like to save the world through comics.