Secondly, but related to firstly, I've put together a 32-page collection of my Doctor Sputnik stories for that very trip, so I'll have something brand spanking new (and yet very, very old) for folks to pick up when I'm there. It's nothing you couldn't already read online, although the print edition will be cleaned up a little (content-wise) to be kid-friendly, but even so, it should make a nice wee package, if I do say so myself. I'm trying out the services of Ka-Blam, the print-on-demand printers, for this one - a colour card-stock cover and black-and-white interiors. The cover was done in Adobe Illustrator, partly because I was in a hurry, partly because I liked the look. Out in June! (And it should be available online from that time as well.)

Lastly, I should mention that I had a grand old time at the UK Web and Mini-Comix Thing last Saturday. It's my only local show these days, and I don't think I've missed one yet. I probably won't be doing any report on the show because I'm off to New Zealand in a couple of days and I'm running out of time for that sort of thing, but I'm guessing there'll be other attendees with comprehensive accounts who are only a Google away.
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